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Golden city hundred spires
“…something of the strangeness of Prague stalks the pages of that book of dreams within dreams. Everything is strange in Prague, or, if you prefer, nothing is strange. Anything may happen there.”
Jorge Luis Borges
Golden city hundred spires
At that moment I felt that something was happening between us, or, rather, that something had already happened. In some uncanny way we were already two other people. The dusk entered into the room, and I had not lit the lamps. By chance, I asked,
“You are from Prague, Doctor?”
“I was from Prague,” he answered.
To skirt the real subject, I said, “It must be an unusual city. I’ve never been there, but the first book I ever read in German was Meyrink’s novel Der Golem.”
Zimmerman replied:
“…something of the strangeness of Prague stalks the pages of that book of dreams within dreams. Everything is strange in Prague, or, if you prefer, nothing is strange. Anything may happen there.”
Jorge Luis Borges
Pablo Munini © Prague , December 2017
golden city hundred spires
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