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Eiffel tower Paris images
” … I keep on thinking about all the leaves I will not see, the gatherer of dry leaves, about so many things that there must be in the air and which these eyes will not see, poor bats out of novels and movies and dried flowers … “
Julio Cortázar
1994, a bistro in Paris’ Invalides district. Meredith promised to take me to a magical spot in Paris where the Eiffel Tower and the night melt together, where night in the “ Ville Lumière” is more beautiful than in any other place in the city.
I can still remember sitting on that bench, looking up, and feeling as if this iconic tower was our secret possession, while we sat enchanted for a long while. In the quiet of Champs de Mars we sat still, fearing that the slightest movement might cause this elegant “Great Lady” to flee.
On a cold morning a few days later I returned to the same spot. Light snow had covered the Champs de Mars with its quiet white blanket. At “Meredith’s bench“ the magic feeling of the Eiffel tower returned to me, a moment that is now preserved forever in image.
Thank you Meredith for your secret and eternal bench, that even now in 2015 remains in the same place, as it was. No trip to Paris is complete without me sitting on your bench , even if to live for a moment in the magic of that unforgettable time in the “ City of Love “.
Paris, May 2015 © Pablo Munini
Eiffel tower Paris images
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